Team Details

Helen Olaoye, MS


Helen Olaoye is a Clinical Social Worker with more than twenty years of
experience in the mental health field. She has a Master of Social Work
from Barry University and holds Pharmacy and Physical and Health
Education degrees. Helen has worked for Miami-Dade Corrections

Health Services at Turner Guildford Knight for seven years. She has in-
depth knowledge of the criminal justice and welfare systems, including

Jail Diversion, Probation and the Child Welfare Services/Case
Management System (CWS/CMS). She is a powerful negotiator with
strong leadership and conflict resolution skills with knowledge of Process
Implementation and Structured Decision Making (SDM). She has
excellent interpersonal and motivational skills and has served as an
advocator, evaluator, counselor, project manager and grant writer. She is currently providing
professional and supervisory clinical social casework in medical, nursing, and convalescent facilities of
Jackson Health System, one of the largest health care providers in Florida.